Building The Tiny House Blog

how-to guides, tutorials, and resources for your tiny house journey
Tiny House Kitchen Video Tour

Tiny House Kitchen Video Tour I had such a great time shooting my last Relaxshacks video, that I decided to do it again! In this installment, I strap on the gopro and give you a point-of-view tour around my tiny house kitchen. I show...

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The Tiny Guide to Tiny House Retirement

The Tiny Guide to Tiny House Retirement

Usually when you think of someone living in a tiny house, you think of young singletons and childless couples like myself. Tiny houses are appealing to people my age because they cost less to buy and run than regular houses. Moving into a tiny house is fairly easy for us too, because we tend to have no children and fewer responsibilities than older people.

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8 Composting Toilet Tips for Happy Tiny House Living

8 Composting Toilet Tips for Happy Tiny House Living

Composting toilets are the most common type of toilet used in tiny houses. They are also better than normal toilets for a number of reasons: They turn your waste into compost. They reduce water consumption. You can make a DIY one for under $100. They're really simple...

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How To Find Local Tiny House Communities

How To Find Local Tiny House Communities

Being a tiny house owner is great, but it can sometimes get a little lonely. "Normal" people often look at you like you're crazy when you tell them where you live, so it's not a surprise that many tiny house dwellers find themselves wishing they had likeminded...

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Should Your Tiny House Have a Skylight?

The idea of sleeping under the stars is a romantic one, so skylights are something that many tiny house builders dream of incorporating into their plans. But just how easy are they to install? Are they as practical as they are beautiful?

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How To Finance A Tiny House

Part of the appeal of tiny house living is being able to avoid spending your whole life paying off a huge mortgage. Many people in the tiny house community are also minimalists who endeavour to live simply and debt-free. But, while building or buying a tiny house does cost way less than building or buying a regular house, it still doesn't come cheap.

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Why I Decided to Build a Tiny House on Wheels

One question that I've been asked over and over is ”why did you decide to build your tiny house on wheels?” The answer is multifaceted and I'm sure each tiny house dweller’s reasons are slightly different from one everyone else's. However I'm sure many other tiny house dwellers would identify with my reasons.

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How to Choose the Right Tiny House Heater

I'm often asked how you choose the right heater for your tiny house. It's a good question because there are a number of different elements you need to consider when deciding how to heat your tiny house. In this post, I'll take you step-by-step through the process of finding the right heater for you and your tiny house.

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Tour of the Tiny House Loft

Have you ever wondered what it's like to sit or sleep in a tiny house loft? Are you currently debating whether or not to include a loft in your tiny house? Have you wondered what difference an extra few feet can make in a tiny house loft?

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How I'm Preparing My Tiny House For Winter

Now that winter is well and truly on its way, I thought I'd give you an update on how things are going in my tiny house and on how I'm preparing it for the cold Vermont weather. I recorded the video below on a rainy day to show you the changes I've made to the tiny house to keep us warm this winter.

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Podcast Feature: Extra Pack of Peanuts

I join Travis to talk all about tiny houses, how to build them, how to decide if they’re right for you, and most of all, how they afford you more freedom to travel. We go in depth about how much it cost me to build my house, the problems I faced, and the great rewards...

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Tiny House Hyperlapse

I've been having a lot of fun with Instagram's new time lapse app, Hyperlapse. Particularly for capturing goings on at the tiny house. Here are a few of my recent captures: How I make Coffee at the Tiny House Approaching the Tiny House And a few nice still shots: Have...

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