September 8, 2013
That was the day that I moved my tiny house from the place where I built it to the place where I live in it. Despite being less than a 10 mile journey, it was exciting, exhilarating and terrifying all at once.
The second the house started to roll, I felt a sudden rush of fear. For a second, I actually thought it was going to tip over!
My mom took a lot of great photos and videos during the move and I was recently looking through them, reliving the day. I decided to put together this video slideshow. I hope you enjoy it!
*When I say that I moved the house, what I really mean is that a group of really awesome people helped move the house while I ran around coordinating the whole thing like a mad man.
Special thanks goes to:
- Jim Hulbert
- Jason Bednarz
- Steve Berson
- Peter & Ellen Waldman