Brad Cook Cover

Figuring out the right insulation for your tiny house can be one of the most confusing things about designing and building your own home. And if you’re working with a professional builder, there’s no guarantee they know what they’re doing either. That’s why I’m excited to introduce you to Brad Cook. Brad is an energy efficiency professional who offers a wealth of knowledge about insulation and ventilation when it comes to tiny houses. In this conversation, we’ll nerd out about insulation and common myths about heating a tiny house.

In This Episode:

  • A rundown about different types of insulation and why your fenders are important
  • R-Value: is more insulation always better?
  • What are some common insulation specifications?
  • A tip for DIY insulation
  • An easily-understood relative humidity explanation
  • Air-sealing vs a vapor barrier: what is what and which is more important?
  • What is proper ventilation and why is it important?
  • What kind of bath fan should you use in your tiny house?
  • Some of Brad's favorite (and least favorite) products

Links and Resources:

Guest Bio:

Brad Cook

Brad Cook

Brad is the owner of Building Performance Services LLC, a Home Performance contracting company that has won several awards for excellence in improving the comfort, safety, and energy efficiency of homes and small businesses. Since 2006 he has earned several certifications, including BPI's Healthy Home eEvaluator and HRAI's Residential Mechanical Ventilation, and he has installed many ventilation systems. In 2017 he returned to the Yestermorrow Design/Build School as their part-time Facilities Manager, where he has also been lecturing to several different courses on HVAC, plumbing, and thermal subjects, and has worked with 3 courses in the design and construction of their Tiny House Projects.



More Photos:

These filters are too narrow and there's no metal shroud

Firewood is the source of high relative humidity


This is an oil furnace that's vented to an unlined chimney and exhausting onto an aluminum liner

Some of Brad's handiwork

You can't ventilate the space if the damper is taped shut


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