This week’s episode is all about the philosophy that helped shape a nomad’s life. Teekay Rezeau-Merah talks to me about veganism, extreme minimalism, and nomadism and the principles that guide him in this world.
In This Episode:
- How veganism led to minimalism
- The nomadic mindset
- Slow living and the nomadic lifestyle
- Pingu the Campervan
- Positive effects of chronicling a minimalist’s journey
Links and Resources:
- Clarity With Teekay podcast
- Matt D’Avella
- Casey Neistat
- The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
Guest Bio:

Teekay Rezeau-Merah
Teekay is a Brooklyn-born 90s kid, extreme minimalist, and podcaster.
A Person of Color and part of a religious minority in the West, he has lived in 11 countries so far. Teekay's a mixed and multicultural individual who had to navigate growing up in “foreign” settings and cultures.
His nomadic journey and personal experiences shaped him into a skeptic, so he questions everything and loves exploring new ways of life. (Wabi Sabi, Nomadic, Gezellig, Ikigai and so on)
Furthermore, his concerns with the current environmental crisis and animal welfare led him to veganism 5 years ago. Later in the same year, he discovered minimalism and slow living, which gave his life a new meaning
Teekay's now building his own home on wheels from the ground up (with his wife) and about to take on life as a van lifer.
This Week's Sponsor:
Tiny Tuesdays
Did you know that I personally send a tiny house newsletter every week on Tuesdays? It's called Tiny Tuesdays and it's a weekly email with tiny house news, interviews, photos, and resources. It's free to subscribe and I even share sneak peeks of things that are coming up, ask for feedback about upcoming podcast guests, and more. It's really the best place to keep a pulse on what I'm doing in the tiny house space and also stay informed about what's going on in the tiny house movement.
To sign up go to thetinyhouse.net/newsletter. I'll never send you spam and if you don't want to receive emails, it's easy to unsubscribe.
More Photos:
Pingu, their van, is named after a character who is important to Teekay and his wife
They are building out the van themselves
And doing a nice job
They don't have a garage to work in
But they're getting the work done at various locations

Image courtesy of Rappler.com
Teekay Rezeau-Merah 0:00
When you look for instance at the food waste problem, and you look at the numbers and in some countries like the US where two thirds of what we produce we throw away. In the rest of the world that's, 1/3 is huge.
Ethan Waldman 0:16
Welcome to the Tiny House Lifestyle Podcastn the show where you learn how to plan, build and live the tiny lifestyle. I'm your host, Ethan Waldman, and this is episode 250 With Teekay Rezeau-Merah. I consider Teekay to be something of a philosopher when it comes to minimalism, extreme minimalism and nomadism. In this conversation, we'll talk about the life experiences that helped shape Teekay and his philosophy on how he lives in this world. He also introduced me to some interesting new or new to me minimalism concepts called Gezellig and Ikigai, which both are really cool. I put some links in the show notes for this episode at thetinyhouse.net/250 where you can find obviously a transcript of today's episode, and more info about Teekay, his writing, his podcast, and everything there. So that's thetinyhouse.net/250. But let's get into the interview.
But before we get started, did you know that I personally send tiny house newsletter every week on Tuesdays? It's called Tiny Tuesdays and it's a weekly email with tiny house news, interviews, photos and resources. It's free to subscribe and I even share sneak peeks of things that are coming up, ask for feedback about upcoming podcast guests, and more. It's really the best place to keep a pulse on what I'm doing in the tiny house space and also stay informed of what's going on in the tiny house movement. To sign up, go to thetinyhouse.net/newsletter, where you can sign up for the Tiny Tuesday's newsletter. And of course you can unsubscribe at any time. I will never send you spam and if you ever don't want to receive emails, it's easy to unsubscribe. So again, that's thetinyhouse.net/newsletter. Thanks and I hope you enjoy next week's Tiny Tuesday's newsletter.
All right I am here with Teekay Rezeau-Merah. Teekay is a Brooklyn-born 90s kid, extreme minimalist, and podcaster. A Person of Color and part of a religious minority in the West, he has lived in 11 countries so far. Teekay is a mixed and multicultural individual who has had to navigate growing up in "foreign" settings and cultures. His nomadic journey and personal experiences shaped him into a skeptic, so he questions everything and loves exploring new ways of life. Furthermore, his concerns with the current environmental crisis and animal welfare led him to veganism five years ago. Later in the same year, he discovered minimalism and slow living which gave his life a new meaning. Teekay is now building his own home on wheels from the ground up with his wife and about to take on life as a van lifer. Teekay, welcome to the show.
Teekay Rezeau-Merah 4:06
Thank you, man, thank you so much. Thank you for that intro. All of it is true.
Ethan Waldman 4:11
Yeah, I want to I want to kind of dive into to all of it. I guess. Did you see switching to veganism as kind of the start of your whole minimalist journey?
Teekay Rezeau-Merah 4:26
I definitely do. I actually wrote a piece about it not too long ago, like literally a couple of weeks ago on how veganism introduced me to minimalism. And it's funny because, you know, most people, at least people from the outside look into veganism and they see it as an animal welfare fight, which it is but there's entails so much more. I mean, it's it's as much about health as it is about the environment as it is about the animals as it is about human but well being and human welfare
Ethan Waldman 5:00
Teekay Rezeau-Merah 5:00
because they don't realize, I mean, how much how impactful you know, the animal agriculture is on our environment, which causes, you know, a lot of destruction and like, this destruction, it's natural, the lot of natural disasters, these natural disasters caused for people to migrate, to leave their homes, to be forced into leaving their homes and seek a new a new home or seeking a new land to, you know, live on so in the end veganism, such as on so much more than just the animals if that's not enough for you.
Ethan Waldman 5:41
Yeah, yeah, I was, I was actually vegan for for a few years, and I'm mostly there still. But for me, it was, you know, the start of the pandemic and seeing both the really seeing the human cost of, of producing animal products. Right, in the, you know, contrasted with the pandemic, but then, of course, the animal welfare stuff, and the environmental became really compelling reasons for me as well.
Teekay Rezeau-Merah 6:13
Ethan Waldman 6:14
So was there a particular you know, book or podcast or, or someone that introduced you to minimalism?
Teekay Rezeau-Merah 6:24
Minimalism? Not really, I actually, like I said, as I read about veganism, and, and I had become vegan for like, a couple of months, I was a pescatarian before. So I was already aware of some things, but not everything. And so a couple of months in, I was looking at ways to reduce my impact on, you know, my my carbon footprint and whatnot. And that's how I stumbled on minimalism. And so I don't recall a book necessarily, I do remember one podcast, which stopped producing since 2020, is called Heal My Living, something like that. So solo podcast by a random person who talked about her journey as a minimalist.
Ethan Waldman 7:14
Teekay Rezeau-Merah 7:15
And that was very compelling for me. So as I, you know, dove deep, went down the rabbit hole, and started looking up stuff, a lot of it came up and at the same time, not enough of it. So that's why I sort of wanted to dig a little bit deeper. And also, you know, talk about my journey on my own podcast and blog and whatnot. Because I figured, if veganism is not for you, because you know, you want to stick to how you usually eat and whatnot, or for several other reasons, minimalism definitely could be a good, you know, meeting me halfway kind of thing. Yeah. And yeah, I mean, when you when you dive into minimalism, you start learning about the impact of everything, like food waste, like, you know, the, the, the huge problems caused, that we cause to the earth because of our overconsumption of everything. And it literally applies to everything. There's even digital minimalism.
Ethan Waldman 8:22
Teekay Rezeau-Merah 8:22
Which I also wrote about in the past. And it's crazy how much, you know, we think we're civilized when in reality, were no. Definitely not as civilized as we may think we are.
Ethan Waldman 8:40
Yeah, can you can you say more about that?
Teekay Rezeau-Merah 8:43
Yeah, for sure. I mean, when you look, for instance, at the food waste problem, and you look at the numbers, and in some countries like the US where, you know, two thirds of what we produce we throw away and the rest of the world that's 1/3, it's, it's huge, especially when you consider that about, you know, 3 million people die of hunger every year. So you see, I mean, as a civilization as a human civilization, you'd expect us to be at a level today in 2023, where, you know, we don't have these problems anymore. I mean, hunger. Come on, like, we make so much food, we have so much technology and human resources, and I like to think empathy towards each other, that these problems shouldn't be, you know, contemporary to our generation. And yet, they still are, and I'm always talking about like, starvation, but there are other, you know, nutrition related diseases and illnesses that killed millions of people every year. And we still struggle with that. And even in developed countries, like the US, you have people still dying from, you know, illnesses that are due to all of that. So, over consumption, for instance, with like, fast foods and and you know, everything that we eat like excess sugar, excess oil, fried foods and whatnot, people are still eating all of that and thinking for the most part that it's okay or that it's healthy. And for a country like the US where healthcare is so expensive, you'd expect people to be more aware of all that. But, you know, if there's, you know, the economy or the government is not doing its job well enough to be able to inform these people, then, well, I guess it's up to us creators to do so.
Ethan Waldman 10:39
Yeah, yeah, I like that. I like that. In your bio, and in your writings, you You've talked a lot about the idea of a nomadic lifestyle. And I was hoping you could share kind of your definition of, of, you know, what is a nomadic lifestyle? View? And what does, what does your life look like, as a nomad?
Teekay Rezeau-Merah 11:04
That's a good question. I grew up in a family of nomads, actually, my even my ancestors were nomads. So as I guess, part of me, it's in my genes. But for me in the nomadic means, you have no one, you know, one home, I say, I'm a Brooklyn born, you know, kid, but that's because I was born there. And I got most most of my attitude, and, and my, you know, I guess character from there, but I've lived there less than I lived. For instance, in Ethiopia, I wouldn't call myself an Ethiopian, or because I lived there for like four years and a half. But for me, nomadic lifestyle is just, yeah, it's like you consider everywhere you go, and everywhere you feel at ease as home. And that's what I always felt like moving around. I mean, there hasn't been one place where I've been where I've moved at least, right? lived at least several months, where I haven't felt that way. Because, you know, I felt like the when you General will people when you make an effort to understand them to even speak the language to talk to them, to interact with them on a human level. And you sort of put yourself at the same level as everyone around you, then you start becoming part of, of whoever you're talking to. And as a nomad, that's what you're supposed to do. Otherwise, you're just, you know, an expat or something else. But a nomad for me is someone who explores the culture from within, preferably learns the language and knows anything Ethiopia, for instance, I learned, you know, the local dialect, to be able to communicate with the people around me, and I didn't learn it, I didn't learn how to write or read it, but I learned how to speak it, understand it, understand the intricacies of, you know, how they speak and what they say the humor, which is a huge part for me when learning a language because I feel like that's how you understand how people communicate and say place. And yeah, that's, that's what nomadic is, for me. It's not going someplace and, you know, working in a car in a cafe or whatever, and just, you know, basically working and partying that's not nomadic, that's a different type of void. Yeah,
Ethan Waldman 13:38
I like the distinction that you drew between like being an expat is when you said that it draws to mind like a group of Americans living in Mexico or somewhere, but just kind of still being Americans still being, you know, kind of preserving their, their culture and their, you know, way of living just in another place. And I like the idea of, of I envision your nomadic lifestyle, almost like you try to kind of almost blend in and become absolutely, like a member of that culture and of that of that place.
Teekay Rezeau-Merah 14:12
100% That's it, that's exactly what it is. It's been a part of wherever you go. Because, you know, even our ancestors as a whole as humans. That's what they used to do. You know, that's why they used to be nomads. And there are modern day, nomads who live like that still, I went on a trip inthe Sahari Desert. And there are what they called Tuaregs, which are like local nomads who still live in tents, and they have camels and they move from one place to another, depending on the resources. And when you talk to these people, they don't just, you know, go to these places and try to impose themselves they actually they don't, they don't know borders, they move from one country so and other they don't know borders because for them, it's it's, you know, a modern thing that they don't believe in, they just move to the next place to find better shelter and better, you know, water and resources. And then when it's when it's over, they just move. And yeah, it's all about respecting what's around you.
Ethan Waldman 15:20
You've lived in in 11 countries so far, like about how long do you like to stay in one place? And are and are you traveling within the country while you're there?
Teekay Rezeau-Merah 15:30
Absolutely. Yes, that's like, that's one of the main things about travel. For me. The reason I travelled so much, because I lived in a loving, but I traveled across many more. And the reason being, I don't have a lot of money, I'm not like, from a rich family, like my parents were actually poor when I was a kid. And then, you know, they did better. But we were quite poor. The only reason I travelled so much was because when I moved somewhere, I like exploring the surrounding. So I start from within this, like, you know, in yoga or mindfulness, you start from within, and then you go to, to the neighboring country in this sense. And so that's what I do. I usually like to, you know, explore the cities around what there is, what was there to see? And then, you know, neighboring countries. And so yeah, when I moved to France, I decided, while I was, everything was around, like, for $30, you could go to Prague, in Czech Republic, you could go to, you know, Rome, you could go to Barcelona, you could do, you can see so many cities around. So that's that's exactly what I did.
Ethan Waldman 16:43
Cool, cool. Sounds awesome. So
Teekay Rezeau-Merah 16:45
I haven't answered your question about the length of my stays.
Ethan Waldman 16:50
Yes, yes.
Teekay Rezeau-Merah 16:50
Ethan Waldman 16:51
Teekay Rezeau-Merah 16:52
As for the length of my stays? I? Well, that depends. I mean, when I was young, I grew up, you know, in different countries. So my parents used to have like, contracts, basically like three to four year contracts.
Ethan Waldman 17:06
Teekay Rezeau-Merah 17:07
so we moved every three to four years. And then when I moved out on my own when I was 18, I, you know, at first, it was dependent on my, you know, what I was studying, so I was in college, if you're in Europe is usually three years, in the US is four years. But in Europe, you graduate college in three years, so I say three years, then I moved for my MBA for one year. And then you know, that's it was based on what I was doing at the moment. But now that, you know, I've been working for a few years, I like to stay for however long, I feel like saying I've been in France for five years now. Because I love it here, I also, you know, matured a little bit more, and now I seek stability more than I seek the thrill of life. So, I guess that also like, you know, changes as you grow up, and the people around you will play a major, major part because a lot of people asked me, like, what was your favorite country or like, top five or whatever that you lived in, or that you visited, and I'm like, I can't give you that, because there isn't one. It's all about the people. Obviously, there were people that I, you know, got along with more than others. But that applies to every country I've ever been to. And so for me countries, they go to our border, part of the decor or, you know, the aesthetic, or, you know, that's the culture but then the people they actually spend most of your time with, and hang out with and, you know, share your stories with is what it's all about. Not the country. So, yes.
Ethan Waldman 18:53
What what is slow living?
Teekay Rezeau-Merah 18:56
Hmm, deep question by the cembra answer will be slowly one is pacing oneself. With in life in general. So it applies to everything is applies to interpersonal relationships, are applies to work. It applies to our use of technology, it applies to travel, it applies to everything that we do is just based on oneself. It's not necessarily live in extremely slowly, like, where I mean, we still seek something when we live even when you live slowly. I mean, you can live slowly and write books and write a lot of books. You know what I mean? Yeah, or you could live slowly and and, you know, build an empire if you want to, but like they too, can go hand in hand as long as one is not to as long as what you're doing is not taking away from what you actually want to be doing. So for me, slow living is about pacing. yourself.
Ethan Waldman 20:02
Nice. And so now I can see how that might intersect with with living as a nomad and the nomadic lifestyle. But can you? Can you talk about the intersection of those two?
Teekay Rezeau-Merah 20:13
Yeah, for sure. Well, for one, like I said, I've been here for five years, I think I'll be around for another year or two, maybe that's part of my slow living journey. I don't want to, you know, speed up, I don't want to, you know, go elsewhere, because for the sake of going elsewhere, you know what I mean? Yeah, it's, it makes no sense to me to just leave for the sake of leaving, I have to leave if I have, if it makes sense, if there's a purpose for my leaving, if I'm seeking something new. You know, and so that's how they intersect. I mean, for me slow livin is is, is it's my daily life. Sometimes I just wake up and decide not to do anything. And that's slow living, sometimes I do wake up and decide to post you know, a couple of articles and record a podcast and, and go to work and do this and that. And that's also part of my slogan, because I know that I can stop whenever I want to.
Ethan Waldman 21:17
Teekay Rezeau-Merah 21:18
So and yeah, when it comes to their nomadic lifestyle, it's, it's the same thing. I want to move I move, but I don't, then I'm good. being where I am.
Ethan Waldman 21:28
Cool. So you are building a, you're currently converting a van to be your home? Can you can you tell us about the decision, you know, your decision making process of why you decided on a van? And actually, maybe you could tell us about like, what is your? What is your current living situation? Like? What do you what what have you kind of looked for to live in? And then why the van?
Teekay Rezeau-Merah 22:01
Okay, so Well, I'm gonna make it short. Because it's been like a project in the making for years. I just never got to it because you know, the pandemic. And a lot of things happened in between, but prior to this actually was always a fan of you know, those survivalist documentaries and whatnot. And I always wanted to do one of those challenges, where I would, you know, survive on my own somewhere, blah, blah, blah. And so that's where the idea actually came from. At first, I wanted to buy skoolie, like a school bus and convert it. And then since I was in France, that was like, a task. And the legislation here is not like in the US. So I kind of gave up that project quite fast, because of the legislation. And so yeah, I felt like Van living was the second best choice, I guess. Now, I've, I realized that it actually was a blessing in disguise. But back then it was like a Plan B kind of thing. And why event because one, I feel like that's the logical next step, as a minimalist. It's like I have so little that I know, like my wife and I actually have so little that we know that we can fit everything we own into a van and live comfortably. So that was the next that was the first you know, I guess reason. The second one was an environmental one. Because when you live in a van, you're actually have a much lesser environmental impact. You're not consuming as much of anything like water, the heating that you use, or the AC that you use, if you're in a in a hot climate. Yeah, and the of course, the materials to build a home or to live in one. And so all of it made sense on an environmental sense and on an environmental point of view. And then from a personal point of view, it's also low. It's also like, living in a van means more freedom. And that's what we're looking for. And that's what we want and are like yeah, it's the logical next step. I felt like the next the one after it would be to own some land so that we can be you know, free and so we can grow our own fruits and vegetables and whatnot. And yeah, live live simply basically.
Ethan Waldman 24:38
Nice. So your van is and tell me if I'm pronouncing it incorrectly. The name is Pingu.
Teekay Rezeau-Merah 24:47
Right. Right. Right.
Ethan Waldman 24:48
What what is that is does that name have a special meaning for you?
Teekay Rezeau-Merah 24:52
Yeah, it does is actually a comes from the I don't know if you know the cartoon, the Pingu cartoon. No It's like it's a cartoon about a penguin. I don't know if it's, if they call it a cartoon. It's like, it's what is it? I mean, it is like a cartoon. Okay, so it's about this penguin, who just as a crazy life and it, like, they don't talk. They just saved gibberish, but you understand what they're saying because they're very expressive. And yeah, for some reason, my wife was a, you know, a fan of that. And I was too and so, because it's black and white, and our van is too. We decided to call it Pingu.
Ethan Waldman 25:39
I like when there's there's a connection like that, that's a lot of fun.
Teekay Rezeau-Merah 25:44
Yeah, it's a lot of fun. Pingu is funny. I mean, he's extremely funny he is he's always angry at life. And he gets over overwhelmed, like pretty fast. But then like, the dad, or the mom comes around, and they show him and he's like, Oh, it was that simple. It's all about, like exploring life and learning to you know, their experiences.
Ethan Waldman 26:04
Teekay Rezeau-Merah 26:05
Ethan Waldman 26:06
And so how, how long have you been working on it? And kind of how far along is the conversion?
Teekay Rezeau-Merah 26:12
Oh, man, that's, that's the kind of question I don't want to answer. I mean, we got it like a year ago, literally, to the day, almost like we got it. I think it was on the fifth of February of last year. And we started building it in March. And it's almost done, but it's not quite yet. We, I mean, I don't know if we can say we procrastinated. But we didn't work on it as much as we should have probably this summer. because life happens. And, and and we also don't have like a place where we can work on it. Like every day. It's like parked in the street. So you have to work like you have to find places and spots where you can actually work. Like do the heavy duty work, which we didn't have, unfortunately. So that and it took us more time than it should have. But I feel like for anyone acquiring a van right now, if you have a garage, or you have like a driveway or something, you have family who does, you can, if you work on it, like almost everyday, you can finish it within maybe three months. I say like from the ground up. Because there's you know, the insulation and the windows and the electricity, the water. All of it takes time. And there is a lot of work in there. But I mean, you work on it a couple of hours a day, almost every day. And yeah, you can get it done within three months. Easy.
Ethan Waldman 27:50
Nice. So So in your bio, there were a couple of you mentioned a couple of different ways of living. Like nomadism wabi sabi, there were a couple of there that I didn't know and I don't know that my audience has ever heard, and I'm going to probably kill the pronunciation but Gezellig. GEZELLIP? Yeah. What's that?
Teekay Rezeau-Merah 28:15
That's a, I think it's a it's a Northern European lifestyle, which basically entails and involves minimalism. And being mindful with how you use your time, and how you use your, your, your energy and what you focus on. And the way I think of it is to basically put your passions at the heart of everything that you do. That's how I see it. That's how I apply it to my life. Because at some point, obviously, I was like everyone else working, working, working, working and thinking about, you know, saving and thinking about money. But then, yeah, when when I discovered that when I was in Holland, I think I was like, Ah, this is this makes sense. This makes sense. I mean, why would I have to put everything I love to the side and focus on work, instead of just focusing on you know, the things that I care about, and then putting work around it to make it happen? And that's, yeah, that's what it is. That's what it entails, at least for me.
Ethan Waldman 29:27
Nice. I like that a lot. And then there was another one I actually ended up looking it up, Ikigai.
Teekay Rezeau-Merah 29:33
Ikigai is beautiful man. Ikigai is about, it's about it's about balance. It's about balancing everything. That's a Japanese concept. It's a little bit more known in the world. And yeah, it's about balancing basically, which is about looking into what you like to do. And then what you what you do well, and then Trying to find a balance between that and making a living out of it. So if you're an artist, for instance, and you love playing the guitar, and you're actually good at it, then maybe find a way to go that way and make a career out of it. And you'll never work a day in your life as cliche as that sounds.
Ethan Waldman 30:20
Yeah. Yeah, there's a cool, it's kind of one of those diagrams of four circles. And they overlap. I'm gonna put it in the show notes for the episode because I think it's just so visual. And it makes so much sense.
Teekay Rezeau-Merah 30:31
Absolutely. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah.
Ethan Waldman 30:37
Hell tell tell us about about your podcast, your podcast host yourself.
Teekay Rezeau-Merah 30:42
Yeah. Yeah. Um, so my podcast? Well, that started, what, four years ago? Now. So it's, yeah, it's, it's, it's been up. And I've been doing, like, weekly episodes for all four years, posted about 200 and something episodes so far. And at first, yeah, it was just a solo podcast. So I was just looking for a way to express myself express my thoughts and, you know, have some feedback, or my thoughts, because, you know, I was experiment in with leaving social media, or at least putting social media to the side. So I was looking for a new way to express myself in a meaningful way. And writing takes a lot of time podcasting used to take me less time. When you write, you have to research everything. And you have to write it down, make sure it's it's readable. And then you post it, and then by the time people find it, it would it could take a lot of time, we'll podcast them because it was, you know, it was a common, this is a big thing. In 2019, early 2019. I mean, it was prior to that. But in 2019, it was not as big as it is today, for instance, is only gonna get bigger from here on out. I realized, yeah, that was a good way for me to do two things to talk about things that I cared about, and to practice my verbal fluency because, like I said earlier, before we started recording, I am a stutterer and I struggled with that for most of my life. And podcasting actually helped me do that. So it was a good way to practice that practice public speaking without being public. And, and yes, to put valuable content out there. The first couple of seasons, I dabbled in it. And, you know, I was just trying to figure it out. And then within the third season, I was like, Okay, this is what I want to do with the podcast. And I started doing solo, mixed solo, and then episodes with guests. And as this the third season progress, I was having more and more guests, and, you know, putting out clips that would answer like specific questions so that people don't have to sit, you know, through the whole episode. Yeah, I would chop it down into shorter clips and post them out there. And that gained a lot of traction. And, you know, on the podcast I talk about, it's a good mirror of my life, because I talk about all the things that I that I'm curious about, which is technically everything. So I work in marketing. So I talk, I used to talk a lot about marketing. And then I switched it up a little bit because I started getting interested in neuro marketing and neuroscience as a whole. So yeah, had a few guests to talk about that, about human behavior, psychology, education, so many of these, you know, timeless, I guess, matters that everyone could relate to today, or 20 years from now. And that's what I wanted. I wanted something that's going to be timeless and valuable. For for many years to come. And yeah, that's, that's what I'm building my show around. I usually try to you know, add new concepts to it. For instance, lately, I added poems, cuz 2023 I started writing poems, and I was like, this could be good for the podcast. I mean, I'm gonna try it out. Do maybe 10 or 15 and then see if you know people like it, and if they don't, then I can stop I keep writing for myself.
Ethan Waldman 34:34
Very cool. Well, I look forward to checking out the show it's called Clarity With Teekay and it's it's on you know, all the all the podcast places wherever you're listening to this interview right now you can probably find clarity with Teekay and we'll put a link to the show and to Teekay's blogs, writings and all that stuff in the show notes for the episode today.
Teekay Rezeau-Merah 34:55
Absolutely, man. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, I mean, I try to Be as as broad and as possible, but then I also try to be as as concise in what I say as possible. That's the minimalist side of me. Yeah, like, I dedicated my whole medium page to minimalism now, when in the past, it used to be all over the place. Now I'm trying to write all the about minimalism and, and, and how it helped me through different things in my life, it helped me push through when I experienced my first anxiety attacks and panic attacks and, and actually heal. And it helped me, you know, sort out my financial situation, although, you know, I don't work as much as an all my peers, but I'm in a better financial situation compared to some of them. It helped me to, you know, feeling less overwhelmed and feeling peaceful and, and finding like this calmness and inner peace, and, yes, it touches on so much. And so I wanted to dedicate my whole medium page to my journey as a minimalist, and, and yeah, dig deep into it.
Ethan Waldman 36:10
Awesome. Well, one thing that I like to ask all my guests is, are there any resources like books, or podcasts or just one or two or three things that have really inspired you along your journey that you'd like to share with our listeners?
Teekay Rezeau-Merah 36:27
Absolutely. Well, for one hour to I would like to thank you for for this opportunity. And for your questions. I really enjoyed answering them, too. So the resources while there is Matt D'Avella, who is a YouTube maker, and who talks about the benefits of, you know, minimalism. One, but also he gives all sorts of great lessons, great life lessons. I genuinely enjoy his content. It's very soothing. It's very well made, I highly recommend his page. He writes a lot as well. So yeah, and then there's another YouTuber. I know, you probably asked about books, but I'm gonna give you Hey, YouTube creators, that's fine. There's Casey Neistat, I'm pretty sure everyone knows him. Yeah, if you don't, then Casey is definitely the guy who motivated me to start my podcast and to do it, like with so much consistency, because I mean, he key is the prime example of what being consistent with your work can do to your career, or to do to you to fulfill you as a human being. And to point out like great stuff, I'm not saying do things consistently, if they're harm old, but if they are, if they can be helpful in any way, then do it with consistency. And then in terms of books, I mean, I could give you a whole list, but I'm gonna give you one that's actually equally entertaining. And makes one thing that will be The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. Amazing book. If you haven't read it, please do. It's it's just amazingly well written. It's not so long to read, and it's full with, you know, life lessons. And it's always worth reading again, because I read it several times and always learn something.
Ethan Waldman 38:23
Teekay Rezeau-Merah 38:24
So yeah, I guess yeah, those three writer creators are definitely worth checking out. Give you a whole list, but you asked me for three, so I'm gonna stick to three.
Ethan Waldman 38:36
Perfect. Well, Teekay Rezeau-Merah, thank you so much for being a guest on the show. I really enjoyed our conversation.
I did too, man, thank you for having me.
Thank you so much to Teekay Rezeau-Merah for being a guest on the show today. You can find the show notes including links to Teekay's writings and podcast and a complete transcript over at thetinyhouse.net/250. Again, that's thetinyhouse.net/250. Well, that is all for this week. I'm your host Ethan Waldman. And I'll be back next week with another episode of the Tiny House Lifestyle Podcast.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
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