Miranda Aisling's mission is to reconnect art to daily life, a purpose you can see throughout her work as an interdisciplinary artist, community organizer, and entrepreneur. She built her tiny house, Aubergine, as a public art project in 2015 with the help of the community of Miranda's Hearth.

In this conversation, I ask Miranda how we can all incorporate more art into our daily lives. Plus, we cover:

  • What's the deal with all these tiny house festivals that seem to be popping up everywhere?
  • What's it like to build a tiny house with your mother?
  • What is Miranda's Hearth?
  • The 2018 BIG Tiny House Festival

“My approach to the world is that everything around me is a piece of art, and if we look at the world in such a way then we treat things more carefully, and we craft our lives more intentionally. We look at ourselves with the lens of self improvement rather than the lens of resignation.” – Miranda Aisling

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