Laura Lynch is a certified financial planner who specializes in helping people financially execute their plans to go tiny. Laura shares her insights on the unique aspects of tiny living, including the financial considerations and the importance of creating a supportive community for the longterm. She also opens up about her own journey towards embracing the tiny lifestyle and aligning all aspects of her life to her authentic self. We'll discuss the financial questions and challenges that arise when it comes to tiny houses, such as loans, and prioritizing sweat equity. It's going to be an eye-opening conversation, so let's dive in and explore the world of Less House, More Moolah, with Laura Lynch.
In This Episode:
- 📈 Rising Costs: Laura emphasizes the need for legalizing tiny home communities to combat rising prices and build sustainable communities.
- 🏡 Building Community: Building a sense of community is crucial for mental well-being and overall happiness in the tiny house lifestyle.
- 💰 Financial Decision-Making: Why you might consider testing out the desired lifestyle before committing to it.
- ⚒️ Sweat Equity: Building things yourself not only saves money, but also leads to personal growth and the acquisition of valuable skills.
- 🔄 Reassessing Life: Uncertainty can lead to reevaluating life and making significant changes to align with personal values and passions, requiring bravery and the willingness to step outside of societal expectations.
- 🤝 Community Advocacy: Raising awareness about the challenges and obstacles faced by people pursuing alternative housing options, such as tiny living, is essential.
- 💡 Financial Security: It is important not only to reduce costs through tiny living, but also to create financial security within the lifestyle.
Links and Resources:
- Less House More Moola Pod
- Less House, More Moola Podcast: Ethan Waldman's Journey to Freedom and Simplicity
- Tiny House Expedition
- Melanie Copeland – Trailblazing Tiny
- Felice Cohen
Guest Bio:

Laura Lynch
Laura Lynch is the founder of The Tiny House Adviser, a financial planning firm for tiny-living values. She is a Certified Financial Planner practitioner, podcast host, and tiny house enthusiast. Laura has personal experience and a passion for tiny living. She and her partner Eric build their tiny home in 2016 and are in the process of downsizing into that lifestyle full time. She is dedicated to helping others find financial autonomy and make an impact through tiny-living.
This Week's Sponsor:
We spoke with John and Fin Kernohan from the United Tiny House Association, they have a total of three PrecisionTemp On Demand hot water heaters. PrecisionTemp professionally installed all three of the Kernohan’s water heaters and now they have an on demand supply of endless hot water. These units are suitable for any tiny lifestyle and are available for propane or natural gas.
PrecisionTemp is offering $100 off any unit plus free shipping when use the coupon code THLP. So head over to and use the coupon code THLP at checkout for $100 off any unit. Thank you so much to PrecisionTemp for sponsoring our show.
More Photos:

Laura in front of tiny home

Laura with dog

Laura Lynch

Tiny house living with Laura Lynch
Laura Lynch 0:00
My first husband and I split up, I felt very uncertain about the future. And what was the thing that caused the most anxiety in that moment? It was the frickin mortgage. You do the thing you're supposed to do and you keep doing the thing you're supposed to do, but when really uncertain things hit your life, then it makes you take a step back and reassess.
Ethan Waldman 0:24
Welcome to the Tiny House Lifestyle Podcast The show where you learn how to plan, build and live the tiny lifestyle. I'm your host, Ethan Waldman, and this is episode 279. With Laura Lynch. Laura Lynch is a certified financial planner, who specializes in helping people financially execute their plans to go tiny. Laura shares her insights on the unique aspects of tiny living, including the financial considerations and the importance of creating a supportive community for the long term. She also opens up about her own journey towards embracing the tiny lifestyle and aligning all aspects of her life to her authentic self. We'll also discuss the financial questions and challenges that arise when it comes to tiny houses, such as loans and prioritizing sweat equity. It's going to be an eye opening conversation. So let's dive in and explore the world of less house more moolah with Laura Lynch.
I asked John and Finn Kernohan of United Tiny House Association what they love about their PrecisionTemp hot water heaters. And here's what they told me. Hey, Ethan. This is John and Finn Kernohan with the United Tiny House Association.
Speaker 2 1:32
We have a total of three PrecisionTemp On Demand hot water heaters. The thing we really like about these and folks know this, I think they pick this up on Finn and I, if we don't like something, you'll never hear us talk about it. So the two things we noticed that we noticed experienced immediately. They took painstaking effort to make sure that it was done right and installed. And so that was pretty cool right there. The other thing is the continuous on demand hot water that just ran forever without any fluctuations or anything. I can't imagine an application, especially in our environment and our lifestyle of being the nomad, transportable, mobile, tiny lifestyle where one of these units aren't good to use. Right now. PrecisionTemp is offering $100 off any unit plus free shipping when use the coupon code THLP. So head over to and use the coupon code THLP at checkout for $100 off any unit. Thank you so much to PrecisionTemp for sponsoring our show.
Ethan Waldman 2:56
All right, I am here with Laura Lynch. Laura is the founder of the Tiny House advisor, a financial planning firm for tiny living values. She is a certified financial planner practitioner, podcast host and Tiny House enthusiast. Laura has personal experience and a passion for tiny living. She and her partner Eric built their tiny home in 2016 and are in the process of downsizing into that lifestyle full time. She is dedicated to helping others find financial autonomy and make an impact through tiny living. Laura Lynch, welcome to the show.
Laura Lynch 3:29
Hey, Ethan, thank you so much for having me. I'm thrilled to be here.
Ethan Waldman 3:32
Yeah, thanks for being here. I thought we could start with with just your story. And, you know, why did you decide to build a tiny home in 2016?
Laura Lynch 3:44
Yeah, so it's a fun story really, because for me, a tiny house was a solution to a problem. I had found myself the owner of some land, and I didn't figure know how we were going to build something to stay in on the land, because the land was kind of far away. Okay. And I was in the corporate world at that time. So you know, the deal two weeks vacation, not enough time to go out and build a house. So, you know, I think maybe it was a little traveling along the Oregon coast where I saw some tiny houses. I'm not exactly sure what spawned the idea. But we decided to build a tiny house on our property of Florida and then take it out to our land out west. So it was our solution for how do we get a house on land far away?
Ethan Waldman 4:38
Wow. So did you DIY the build?
Laura Lynch 4:41
Yes. So we bought a gooseneck trailer off of Craigslist for like three grand and we stripped it down and we started from the floor up.
Ethan Waldman 4:50
Wow. That's a good deal. Yeah. And any building experience prior to that,
Laura Lynch 4:57
so I grew up in families that built their own houses. So I guess I probably had a hammer in my hand at a pretty young age, but had kind of gotten out of that, you know, sort of muscle memory, if you will. Yeah. So I did during my undergrad, spend a year kind of doubling up on education and did a building technology program, which I think just enabled my feeling of confidence around using tools. And so when we got into the tiny house, build, I felt, you know, pretty comfortable doing that thing. So didn't start from ground zero, like a lot of people do. Okay, but I think it's just a little bit of familiarity helps you feel confident to move forward with the next step.
Ethan Waldman 5:50
Definitely, definitely. I mean, I was, I had maybe built a chicken coop when I started my tiny house build, and I found it really intimidating, but also very learnable. And now, like, over 10 years out, you know, I haven't done another big build like that. But just the familiarity, just having done it once before. I feel like I could jump in if I needed to. Yeah, it's
Laura Lynch 6:11
like that muscle memory. It's that sort of self efficacy that we build by taking one little step. And then we feel oh, if I can do that I can do the next thing. And I think that's really important for people to know is that you can build your capability. And it's not that challenging to get a little confidence to move forward.
Ethan Waldman 6:31
Yeah. So was your intention when you when you built the tiny house and moved it out there to one day live in it full time? Or was it more just like, hey, we have this land, and we want to place to stay when we when we visit.
Laura Lynch 6:46
It wasn't at that time, our move towards tiny, full time has been an evolution that really got kicked off big time with a pandemic. So I think that that helped us all reset our thoughts about where we want to live our lives and spend our time and what's most important to us. And so through that experience, Eric, and I really had an opportunity to reassess where we want to live our lives. Okay. And so then the tiny house became the solution again, or where we want to go full time.
Ethan Waldman 7:25
Interesting, So would you are there things about your house that you would have done differently with knowing that you wanted to live in it full time?
Laura Lynch 7:35
I don't think that there's anything that we did or didn't do that makes it any more livable for the long term, then for the short term? I don't have a dryer. I'm sure lots of people in tiny houses don't have dryers? Yeah, I try my laundry outside. I don't have a dishwasher. So I hand wash my dishes. I think that that helps you sort of ground yourself, you know, especially since I've moved into a place where the clothes will dry really, really easily outside.
Ethan Waldman 8:04
Yeah. Yeah.
Laura Lynch 8:05
I think it's, it's okay to kind of simplify yourself in those
Ethan Waldman 8:09
in those respects. Yeah, yeah, definitely. And it's just all it's all what you want in life. You know, like, I know that. I wish my tiny house had a dishwasher personally, but that's just me. So tiny houses are a great, you know, kind of vehicle for saving money. And, you know, my original intent with my tiny house was a house that I could own outright so that I could lower my monthly expenses significantly. I'm curious, you know, at what point did you kind of make that connection and kind of tie your professional life you know, as a financial advisor into tiny house living?
Laura Lynch 8:59
Yeah. So good. So, you know, I've owned big houses, regular houses, normal houses, I bought my, my first, I guess, starter home in 2007, right before the Great Recession. And I bought the book, house buying for Dummies, I studied up, I got myself ready. I saved my downpayment, I did all the things. And then the market crashed. Right. And that happened at the time that my first husband and I split up. And so our house ended up kind of in a weird anchor in the midst of a really emotional storm. And I think that that taught me some important lessons, but I didn't learn them then. I learned them later on and life when we bought the current house that I'm currently standing in while we're recording this that is on its way out of my life. Because again, In in the pandemic, there we were in a world where there was so much uncertainty. And I felt very uncertain about the future. And what was the thing that caused the most anxiety in that moment? It was the frickin mortgage. Right?
Ethan Waldman 10:17
Laura Lynch 10:18
And so I think that that sort of snowballing of that life lesson, you know, kind of you, you do the thing you're supposed to do, and you keep doing the thing you're supposed to do. But when really uncertain things hit your life, then it makes you take a step back and reassess. As the thing that I'm doing that I'm supposed to be doing really working for me, and does it make me feel okay, when things are not okay. And so, I think it was that moment where I was like, gosh, the world feels so uncertain, my income is dropping right now. And here, I've got this mortgage, I've got to pay, and yet I have this tiny house that has no mortgage, that, you know, because we built it all ourselves. It's very low cost living, why am I not living there? Why am I doing this mortgage thing right now, when I could be doing the no mortgage thing. And we feel so much more comfortable in this time of uncertainty. And so then, you know, things recovered and went on. And I kept doing the corporate financial advisor role thing, and I just ached to be in my tiny house and ache to have that simplicity. And really wanted to help other people do something unconventional with their lives and stop playing the game and wearing the suit and feeling like I was trying to prove something to the world, somebody that I wasn't. And so, you know, I guess I just scrounged around and put up and you know, put enough money aside so that I was able to make that change, and align myself all the way across all the aspects of my life. So now my roof, and my way of making a living and the passion projects and the energy, all of my human capital going into my authentic version of myself. And so take some bravery to make that pivot, as I'm sure you know, because you did the same thing,
Ethan Waldman 12:27
So, is that you mentioned on your website that you devised this 30 month plan? is that are we talking about the plan right now?
Laura Lynch 12:35
Yes. So yeah. So we started this 30 month project plan for getting ourselves out of our normal life and into our tiny life. Nice, about nineteen months ago, right? So we're, we're making progress. And about two thirds of the way Yes. And the reason why it was it's so long for us is because it's two businesses, it's across the country. It's a lot of heavy equipment, my husband is going to continue to work in the trades. And so he's going to need, you know, his excavator to go across the country. And so it's just a lot of logistics, but changing the business as I had to, you know, change my business, start a new firm, my husband is having to change the way that he makes money. Just a lot of change in order to get ourselves to that place we want to be. Yeah.
Ethan Waldman 13:31
And so, you know, this, this episode will live on in the feed. So you know, 10 months from now the 30 months will be will be over and I hope you'll be doing it. But where like, where are you at this point, as you know, today, August 22, as we're speaking,
Laura Lynch 13:48
so geographically, I'm standing in my 1800 square foot house in South Florida. Okay. And 10 months from now, if you talk to me, I will be communicating on starlike because my tiny house is in a pretty rural place in New Mexico where internet connection, you have to kind of get a little creative there. Yeah, and probably still working on some of the infrastructure there. I'm also going to be taking up permaculture. So planning on spending a lot of time developing some permaculture on that land and hiking and balancing those things that are fuel for my soul, along with those things that allow me to help others do this tiny living thing.
Ethan Waldman 14:40
Nice, nice. Well, I think that the way that you're going about it is really smart. And of course, it's like it's not helpful to tell someone that the best way to ride out on the best way to be prepared for uncertainty is to have prepared in advance for that uncertainty, but it sounds like you've done You've kind of are going about this in a very planful way.
Laura Lynch 15:03
Yes, I am a planner helpful.
Ethan Waldman 15:09
Well, you know what, as a planner, and it seems like as a planner who is, you know, wanting to help other people plan, you know, what, what kind of services do you offer as the Tiny House advisor?
Laura Lynch 15:22
Yeah, so as you mentioned in the intro, kindly, I am a Certified Financial Planner. So, you know, I am really focused on helping people figure out how to financially execute a project plan to go tiny, because it's a little bit different than selling your house in town and moving to another house in town where you sell one and you buy another oftentimes, tiny living requires some upfront money, right? You gotta build or buy your tiny house, before you sell your or get out of your rental or what have you. Yeah, and then to there's some unique aspects to tiny living, depending on whether you're doing it in a mobile environment, or you're doing it rural, like I'm doing it, you know, who's going to be there to help me as a, you know, women live longer, right? That's just the reality, um, you know, quite a bit younger than my, than Eric, and I don't have any children. So when I am 95, like my wonderful grandmother is, Who am I going to call on to help me? And how do I position myself in tiny living, to establish myself within a community so that I have connections and resources and people that can support my need for social interaction, and maybe help me change a light bulb and all the things. And so I think that as we live tiny, we have to be thinking about tiny living, if we're thinking in the long term, about how we take care of ourselves for our whole lifespan in this lifestyle. And so as a financial planner, I've helped many clients plan for what we call long term care. Yeah, but it's so much more than just who's going to provide your medical care, but how are you going to have a community around you to support all aspects of your humanity, your friendship needs, and your go have ice cream needs and your go explore a new trail needs and all those things. So I think there's just a lot of unique elements to tiny living from a financial planning perspective, a lot of people use it in a temporary manner, right, they use tiny living just as an opportunity to save up some money to go back to, you know, a more traditional lifestyle. And so there's lots of nuances in tiny living that but regular financial planners are probably not in the mindset to help people figure out. So that's why I'm, you know, hanging out my shingle to help people figure this out for their unique lifestyle. Nice.
Ethan Waldman 18:18
Well, I kind of came up with a couple of kind of financial, Tiny House related questions that I that I get sometimes, or that I've wondered about. And so I was hoping to kind of put them to you. The first one being, I'm curious, and I'm sure that the answer is like, it depends, as it does for most things, but there are loans available for tiny houses these days. They tend to be shorter term and higher interest rate, more like a car loan than a mortgage. I'm curious, whether, you know, you would advise someone to take out a loan for a tiny home, or wait and save up like, does the does the payoff of starting to live tiny sooner work out in your favor, even with a kind of higher interest rate low? Sure.
Laura Lynch 19:14
Yeah. So I think that if you sit down, there's always a numbers answer to things, right. So you can always run a spreadsheet and quantify right, what the numbers answer to that. But most of the time, we don't make financial decisions based on the appropriate number answer. No, right? No, we don't we make the financial decision based on emotion. And so I think that the important thing, and maybe I'm sort of sidelining your question here, but I think the important thing for people when they're trying to make these logistical decisions about save up or borrow is really to hone in on their values and what's most important to them make or that they've tested out this lifestyle and that it's going to work for them. And then if they can figure out, you know how to make it work, they might then enable other elements of their life that will help blossom things moving forward, instead of continuing to mentally hold them back. That's the thing with kind of the American Dream that I'm trying to beat on all the time in my content, yeah, is that when we're always striving to do the thing that we've been told to do, we don't open up doors to do the thing that really is most aligning with us. And so I would love to see people have opportunities to get into tiny living, if that's true for them sooner. So of course, if they, you know, if the loan is not going to work from a cash flow perspective, it's just not going to work. But if either option is at play, you know, figuring out what's most important to you at this moment of your life and what it looks like on the side, if you can go ahead and make that jump. Yeah, because at the end of the day, sitting around stewing in a place where you're unhappy, trying to save up money is really hard. Yeah. And so, you know, like I said, there's always a right money answer that you can run on a spreadsheet, but then there's also all the other human elements of that decision. I'm curious,
Ethan Waldman 21:26
what are some maybe creative ways or some other ways that you've, you've helped people, you know, come up with to help pay for a tiny house?
Laura Lynch 21:36
Yeah, so I have, in my case, of course, you know, started from very, you know, with a very inexpensive, just like you did, right, where we built the thing ourselves. And I think sweat equity is really undervalued in our society, you know, people seem to, like the idea of hiring everything out. But you know, you pay such a premium for that. So I would say, for folks that have any interest or any ability to try to build it themselves. I think it can be tremendously enhancing for us personally, to learn new skills that maybe we can then use in uncertain times to add value. Yeah, especially in a world where we know that AI is going to start to change a lot of the work that that people do, having some practical skills that can't be automated away, are probably just so another way to build resilience. So I would definitely encourage folks to think about how it is a much it's much easier to cashflow, if you build it yourself, right, I had a normal corporate job. Yeah, and you know, fairly, at the time, very fortunately, low cost of living in the house that I was in. So you know, we would just built it. And every Saturday there was a trip to Lowe's or whatever, and you just build it yourself based on cash flow. And, you know, then there's always kind of a stigma around asking family for help. And I know, your family, you know, was around when you built your tiny house. And I think that generationally, current generations, current young people are much at a much greater disadvantage. And they think that family members, older generations, and your family can appreciate that. So I think there's no shame and maybe getting a little support from family members, too, when you're trying to embark on, you know, this sort of really independent piece of your life. Otherwise, you know, there's always the good tips around thinking about where you're spending your money, and really digging in deep on that, how much money are you spending on entertainment, type things, discretionary type things? And is that the most important thing for you right now? Or is it just the way that you kind of fill up your time? And so back to values, figure out what's most important to you, and if going to tiny living is most important than, you know, buckle down, and, you know, do the best you can to cut out things that aren't necessary?
Ethan Waldman 24:28
Yeah. When when I was kind of saving up for it. You know, I am very much a spreadsheet kind of person. So I'm like, looking at my budget and saying, like, well, what's my, my biggest expense was my rent. And so I was at a point, you know, I was in my, you know, young to mid 20s, where it still felt like, you know, I just asked my parents if I could move home. Yeah, and save up. And they said, Sure. So, you know, that was like, I don't remember exactly what I was paying in rent at the time, maybe 1200 bucks a month, just like Get straight into the tiny house fun. Yeah. And I know that that situation isn't available to everyone doesn't work for everyone. But you know, when you have a goal like a tiny house, it gets easier, I think to kind of make sacrifices and to kind of do whatever it takes to save up what you need to do to achieve that goal.
Laura Lynch 25:21
Yeah, absolutely. We definitely can find lots of reasons to spend money if there's nothing more important. And so that's why anchoring in to your values and what's most important to you, and, you know, envisioning what you want your future life to look like giving your money purpose, saying the purpose of this money is to create simplicity and financial freedom in my life, then that gives you like a job for your money, and you can stay focused on that. Yeah,
Ethan Waldman 25:55
well, another another area where where Tiny House folks are having to spend money is on is on rent, unfortunately. Well, fortunately, or unfortunately, you build a tiny house on a trailer, and it does not come with land. It's kind of independent of the land. And you know, that rent that people are paying to park places is also you know, I've seen prices going up over the years. Yeah. I'm just curious, you know, how, I don't know if there's even a question here. But how do you think about that? Or how would you factor that in in terms of your planning? It sounds like you own some land? So those more about putting your house on that land? Yeah, I
Laura Lynch 26:39
mean, I think that, the more that you and I do our work, and the more popular that this lifestyle becomes for people, the more rent is gonna go up, for sure, right? Because it's just supply and demand. And so yeah, parking spaces are gonna get more expensive over time, in the same way that rent has gotten more expensive over time. So this is where, you know, folks that are a little further in the lifestyle need to, you know, help build communities, right. I mean, and there's a lot of, there's a lot of folks out there, saying, I'd like to have a tiny home community, I'd like to build a tiny home community, which goes back to the important work that people are doing on the legalized front, right, because we gotta get more counties and cities, acknowledging and finding ways to legalize these communities. And so I think that there's also people you know, that are generous with their land that are allowing other people to park. And maybe, as things get more expensive, people also become more aware, and people become more willing to allow others, you know, to share space with them, which goes to the whole point of creating community around yourself. I think that if we look back on human existence, we lived in community, we lived in village we lived in, in ways that we were able to support and connect with each other. And so that community living aspect is really important for our mental wellness. And frankly, the single family home is very isolating, and in many ways sort of breaks down our ability to have empathy for others and to be able to work and navigate around other people. And so I think that this is all part of a larger conversation being had about the way that we live as humans. And so certainly that went way off your question of Park. Right answer. But yeah, I mean, certainly, you know, paying for parking is a thing, and you have to just think about where you want to park and maybe if you're able to, which always comes back to where you have work. Parking in a place it's, you know, not the most popular place in the country. Everyone is flooding, you know, to certain areas. Yeah. And maybe trying to avoid those certain areas. Yeah.
Ethan Waldman 29:23
Well, you have a podcast, the Less House More Moolah podcasts. Tell us about the show. Is that all about?
Laura Lynch 29:31
Yeah, so my podcast is really focused on being inspiring for folks that are maybe still on the fence and haven't quite made that move yet. And also providing resources and thoughts around the financial autonomy piece because I think that the tiny community broadly, always talks about financial security through this lifestyle and there hasn't been anyone really zeroed in on that particular piece of the puzzle. So, you know, if you get into a tiny living and you reduce your cost of living, you can very easily spend all that money away and not create your financial security. Yeah. So how do we let people succeed at the financial security piece that we're all in this? You know, as part of our motivation? Yeah. So I hear from a lot of great guests that, you know, I get to talk to you about what they're doing in this space. And then we always kind of come back to the financial sort of piece of that puzzle.
Ethan Waldman 30:38
Nice. Yeah. And I'm sure you have found, as I have that, you know, every single guest, every single tiny house dwellers, their story is just slightly different. There's no no two alike,
Laura Lynch 30:50
I know, that's the great thing about this. And people have been in it at such different lengths of time to and so it's really fascinating. And all of the guests in the community, everybody that I connect with, is super friendly and willing to share their best lessons. And also maybe a little bit, you know, I'm not really good with, with light conversation, I kind of like, like to get into the, you know, the deep stuff. And so it's great to have people that are able to talk about their values, and what's important to them, and what lessons they've personally learned and all those things rather than just, you know, kind of stayed on the surface. Nice. Well,
Ethan Waldman 31:34
you actually graciously had me as a guest on your show. So we'll definitely link to to that episode, and to the show in the show notes for this episode. Yes,
Laura Lynch 31:42
in which I asked you a bunch of deep and meaningful questions?
Ethan Waldman 31:45
Yes, it was. You're an excellent podcast host and Interviewer It was it was a great conversation. I'm curious, you know, one thing that I like to ask all my guests, you know, are there any resources like books or YouTube channels, or really anything that have helped to inspire you and help you out along the way that you'd like to share with our listeners,
Laura Lynch 32:08
I don't have a great list. I'm a little bit of a, I don't know, follow the beat of my own drum type of person. Of course, your podcast is a huge resource. Tiny House Expedition has been, I think, really pivotal and helping bring this idea to the masses through the YouTube channel. And they're going to be a guest on my podcast coming up soon, too. So I think that that is really important for all of us to be in this space working towards bringing this awareness because at the end of the day, not everybody that is 22 years old graduating from college, or you know, 18 year old, graduating from high school, or 45 years old, having a midlife crisis is asking themselves the right questions yet about what is holding me back from doing the things I really want to do. And very often it is the roof. And so the more work that we're doing on this to help people ask those important questions. I think that that is where we really see progress. But yeah, those are some important ones. I had Melanie Copeland recently who's written a great book Trailblazing Tiny on my podcast. She is just such an amazing advocate out there doing work. Felice Cohen, who lived in 90 square feet in New York, and you know, had like a viral YouTube videos. I mean, just, I've had so many great authors on my podcast, and all of those people are, you know, tremendously important.
Ethan Waldman 33:57
Awesome. Well, Laura Lynch, thank you so much for being a guest on the show today. This was it was great to have you to flip the seats around and get to interview you.
Laura Lynch 34:06
Yeah. So Ethan, thank you so much to It's my first time being interviewed on somebody's podcast, so I'm glad it was yours because you made it super easy.
Ethan Waldman 34:17
Thank you so much to Laura Lynch for being a guest on the show today. You can find the complete show notes including a transcript, photos of Laura and her tiny house, and links to Laura's website and the Less House More Moolah Podcast at Again, that's Well, that's all for this week. I'm your host, Ethan Waldman. And I'll be back next week with another episode of the Tiny House Lifestyle Podcast.
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