My guest today needs no introduction, but for the uninitiated, Jay Shafer is largely credited with sparking the modern tiny house movement when he built a little house on wheels and launched the Tumbleweed Tiny House Company about 20 years ago. In this interview, Jay will fill us in on what he's been up to lately, riff on the sad state of housing policy, and talk about his latest home: a super lightweight tiny house on wheels that weighs less than 2,000 lbs and cost about $5,000 to build.
In This Episode:
Why was Jay inspired to put his first tiny house on wheels?
Camping in his own back yard in Iowa City and the conversations with zoning officials
Are current housing laws even in accordance with the Constitution?
Let's talk about insulation and R-value
The danger of using un-vented heaters in small spaces: your house needs ventilation, even in winter
How the zoning laws were changed to accommodate tiny houses
Tiny houses survive natural disasters better
Legal THOWs in LA is a bittersweet victory
Not all zoning officials are evil: there is a lot of red tape that prohibits them from adopting tiny houses
All about Jay's new tiny house: 50 square feet, designed to add a bathroom or kitchen, when needed
Advanced framing, better insulation methods, and keeping costs down
Jay's plans for his tiny house plans
How do you contact Jay and why is he reclusive?
Where do modern THOW manufacturers go wrong and what pitfalls can they avoid?
Jay Shafer has changed the way we view housing. For more than 20 years he has been demonstrating how superior design and social justice can be achieved with less space. As the pioneer of the tiny house movement, he has introduced us to a truly sustainable housing option. Shafer has spent over a decade living in self-built homes of less than one hundred square feet.