Andrea Burns Cover

Andrea Burns is here to tell us the story of her resilient and innovative tiny house, the Tomato Box. We discuss what it’s like building your tiny house while living there, how Andrea designed multiple systems for reheating and cooking, and her incredible recycled greywater system that allows her to reuse water over and over again.

In This Episode:

  • A smart mom laid the foundation for a love of the tiny house lifestyle early on
  • Customizing plans to your own tastes
  • Buying a used trailer: is it really worth it?
  • The merits of DIYing your tiny house and some great advice
  • How difficult is it to live in your tiny house while finishing the inside?
  • Leading by example empowers others to do things they didn't think were possible
  • All about Andrea's gray water filtration system
  • Future plans to help the homeless using tiny houses

Links and Resources:

Guest Bio:

Andrea Burns

Andrea Burns


Andrea is a Researcher by trade, a Health Sleuth by passion, and an Instigator at heart.

Her #1 goal is to use whatever tools we have to improve what we do and how we do it… which means that simplifying is a way of life, and is exactly what lead her to go “Tiny” three years ago.

Determined to learn as much as possible along the way, she built her tiny house on her own and even designed a completely recycled greywater system.

She operates on the mantra “we can do better.”






This Week's Sponsor:

Tiny House Decisions Cover

Tiny House Decisions

Tiny House Decisions is the super helpful guidebook that I wrote 5 years ago to share all of the knowledge and decisions that I made to build my own tiny house, along with what I did right, what I did wrong, and how I would change things. The guidebook, now in its second edition, has been completely rewritten and expanded to reflect how tiny houses are being built today and it also includes several new tiny house stories from other tiny house dwellers. The guidebook has been expanded to include things like SIPs, metal framing, and different types of insulation, and I seriously think this is the most helpful thing you can buy if you are thinking about living in a tiny house. If you go through the guidebook from start to finish, you will have a solid plan for all the systems and everything else that’s going to go into your tiny house. The second edition has been a long time in the making and I’m really excited to share it with the world. 

To learn more you can head over to


More Photos:

The Tomato Box all framed

The house is named!

Andrea on her new-to-her trailer


She really did build it herself

Moving everything out to do the floor was a pain, but worth it

Tape out where things need to be


Beautiful floor

The tomato box with the exterior finished

Front door view of the Tomato Box


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