Alek designed and built his 8×20′ tiny house in 2013, and lived in it for 3.5 years before selling everything and moving to New Zealand for his next adventure! Alek believes a tiny house goes far beyond its 4 walls and a roof, and is only part of a conscious personal choice to live in a more simple and sustainable way.

Many people are drawn to tiny house living for the financial benefits, but living tiny has a way of changing the way you look at everything in your life, and that was no different for Alek. It's had a lasting effect even though he no longer lives in a tiny house.

“Forcing yourself to simplify your belongings then makes you question what else in your life is more or less important, and how you can shift things in order to be happier.” – Alek Lisefski

You'll Learn:
  • Why Alek things a shed roof is the best design for a tiny house
  • How tiny house living can shift your entire life perspective
  • What being in two different relationships while living tiny has taught Alek
  • How to have a successful relationship in a tiny house
  • Why did Alek decide to sell everything and move to New Zealand?
  • How do you live the tiny lifestyle even if you’re not in a tiny house?
Links and Resources:

Alek Lisefski Online: | instagram | facebook

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